Two membership levels available
- Member Club
Any facility that has at least one IPTPA certified pickleball teaching professional on staff that teaches pickleball will qualify for member status. The facility will be provided with a member banner.
A 2’x3’ four color Banner will be provided – one time fee $100
- Official Training/Testing Center
Any facility that has at least one IPTPA certified pickleball teaching professional on staff that teaches pickleball and a Director of Training/Testing that uses their facility for testing purposes will qualify as an Official Training/Testing Center. The training/testing center will be authorized to do approved IPTPA workshops and seminars for its memberships as well as host endorsed IPTPA clinics for players. The facility will be provided with a banner.
A 3’x6’ four color Banner will be provided – one time fee $250.
Individual Member Benefit- All IPTPA certified pickleball teaching professionals will be allowed to use club member facilities while traveling away from home while receiving a 50% discount on visitor pickleball fee’s.